Karate-Do Chidokai Zürich

Chidokai is a karate school in the pure tradition of Shotokan.  We practice base movements and forms (without a partner) and also learn sparring in advanced levels. The exercises improve concentration, balance, movement control, strength and speed through learning a traditional martial art. We seek to pick up the relevant philosophy along the journey.

Our dojo belongs to Swiss Karatedo Chidokai - Rengo (SKC-R), a member of International Karate Rengo – Chidokai Karatedo International.


Trainings are in English (with translation to French or German as needed), and teaching is tailored to individuals.  You don't need to make all trainings!

Everyone's welcome!  Gym clothes are OK (shoes not needed) and no previous experience is necessary.  With any questions, reach us at info@chidokai-zurich.ch!

Who we are

Chief Instructor, training camps and exams

Instructors in Zürich